Psalm 78:4 "We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders He has done."
I started this blog just a year ago not only to keep people everywhere updated on my health, but also to journal my thoughts and feelings and to record my blessings. This is kind of like my cheap therapy, and a constant reminder of my life's mantra. Anyway, it is that time of year again to reflect on the past and hope for the future. I tend not to make resolutions because I am not that motivated to be perfectly honest. My theory is if you don't make them you can't break them:) Anyway, after making several photo projects this year I realized just how much I am behind the lens of the camera instead of in the picture. Out of literally thousands of photos, there are only a small handful of full family pictures. How sad is that? So my goal/resolution is to take more pictures, especially more of the three and the five of us. I have already warned, I mean told, my family to be prepared because the camera is going to be a more prominent fixture. Now to the rest of the story...
As with everyone, this has been a full year of events, firsts, and fun. Here are some of my favorite highlights. (WARNING it may be a touch long:))
- January I got to start Nevaeh in six months of Music Lingua which is learning Spanish through songs. It was amazing to see her sponge of a mind soak it all up.
Its always a good day when you get to dress like a pirate - February I FINALLY got to experience the wonder that is known as the Melting Pot. (I'm pretty sure I audibly moaned it was that good.)
- Easter was fun this year as Nevaeh was able to egg hunt, mostly on her own, and she was so excited to get an Easter basket.
- In May Nevaeh turned 3 years old and suddenly became a very opinionated little person. She is such a joy, and her mind never ceases to amaze me. I am pretty sure she has taught me more than I have taught her.
- Turning the BIG 3 also meant leaving the comforts of her favorite Sunday school teachers Teacher Sandy and Teacher Gordon for a class with the bigger kids. Seriously, these two people are angels in human form.
- June was an exciting and full month with the first attempt at bowling (praise the Lord for Kids Bowl Free coupons), the first trip to the awesome Denver Zoo, and the start of a combo Gymnastics and Ballet class.
- Fireworks is of course the best thing about July and it was the first time Nevaeh was able to understand and thoroughly enjoy them since previous years we have had bans on them for fire hazards.

- August is always a busy month in our house with MY birthday, two anniversaries, block parties, and MOPS leadership retreat for my 3rd year as hospitality leader.
Sky Corral is a little alcove of heaven
- September brought about a fun Firefighters Ball and really showed us what a love for cooking and helping Nevaeh has.
- Fall came rolling in with some fun times. I went to a MOPS convention and got to meet Beth Moore and dress in a 1970's maxi dress and go dancing with a bunch of other mommas. For Halloween Nevaeh dressed like Doc McStuffins and had just as much fun passing out candy as she did getting it. Plus, I had a visit with one of my oldest and dearest friends at Casa Bonitas. Sopapillas anyone?
- Finally, rounding out the year comes the whole slew of holiday fun, parties, friends and family.Helping Gigi with the Apple pie and Grandma with Christmas cookies
Cooper's birthday party where she asked Santa for clothes that fit. It was a really AWESOME mom moment.....
A neighborhood Christmas PJ party.
Celebrating Clay's birthday all TogetherSo here is to a New Year full of good health and good friends. I am grateful for each one of you who reads this and shares in my life and covers me with prayer.