I have been struggling lately with sometimes wishing I could go back to my supposed "glory" days when I had no major scars and my path was planned and on track.There are days when I find myself frustrated because even though this is the best life has been in the last nine years, it is still not quite where I would like it to be. Even so, God has shown himself faithful by graciously and gently reminding me of the good in my life and the strength that has been built up in me. Even the books that have been given to me or the ones on my launch teams have all carried a common theme of finding hope even when life doesn't go the way we planned (hello God-wink). Reading them has felt like a magnified mirror being held up to my face that is showing EVERYTHING. As I process these reflections, I am learning to be intentional about looking and acknowledging all of the good things I find, both significant and minute. I am learning to lean into the author of perfect peace as I battle tsunami waves of anxiety. I am attempting to find the strength to sit in my pain and heartaches that I may deal with them and heal them, instead of avoiding or numbing them. The list of lessons could go on and on because this survivor is a freaking hot mess😂 and a great work in progress,but I will save those for another post.
Hear my heart sweet friends, I have had 3,285 more days to live and love and learn. In that time, I have hit rock bottom and climbed mountains. My circle of friends and tribe members have grown exponentially (I love you all dearly). I have faced fears and hurts and literal death, and I have witnessed some the best miracles that life has to offer. I have found gifts that I never knew existed inside of me, and I know that this is just the cusp of the good things that are yet to come. Here's to another 365 days filled with hope, peace, gratitude, and love💗 . Happy 9 years post Diagnosis Day to me!!