Ebenezer is a term from the Bible that stands for "Stone of Help" and was used when the Isrealites set up a stone marker to remind them of God's help in defeating their enemies. To quote from Dr. Gregory S. Neal "an Ebenezer is a'stone of help,' or a reminder of God’s Real, Holy Presence and
Divine aid. Spiritually and theologically speaking, an Ebenezer can be nearly
anything that reminds us of God’s presence and help..." My mother has a violet ribbon for my cancer journey as a testament to God's faithfulness in bringing us all through the fire as her own Ebenezer. This, however, is not nearly as monumental as the previous two examples but it is something that needs to be set in stone as a reminder that God is faithfully working in my life.
This week has been an interesting one. Last Friday night, my daughter spent it throwing up all night while my husband was away for his military reserves, and needless to say I was not feeling well either. Then on Tuesday morning, I started to get a head cold complete with runny nose and chesty cough. I was just so exhausted to have to keep running after my two year old while the pressure built up in my head. My hubby came home early that night from his swing shift, and told me he had taken off the rest of the week to take care of his sicky wife and child. I was thrilled. I might actually be able to get some sleep and a mental health day. The next morning we both woke up with the same cold and come to find out my dad was coming home with the nasty stomach flu. Still, my hubby is such a trooper. Even though not feeling well himself, he still took our daughter to the dr to get some lab work done, fed and changed her, and waited on me hand and foot. Even today while still recovering, he has taken care of the daily grind of caring for a toddler. His patience and care have gone above and beyond. So while it may not make clear sense to all who read this why I deem it an ebenezer, it really is. I believe that this week has shown that God is using my already wonderful husband to be an even better person, and therefore, I believe that blessings are to follow. So here's to the New Years resolution that we will all try to be better people, friends, and spouses.
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