Today marks the start of week 2 in our second attempt at potty training. Combine the ills and messes of that with a spirited two and a half year old, and sometimes, its a wonder that I am still standing. I find myself in the typical place of parenting of not having any clue as to whether I am doing anything right. Lately, the issue of grace keeps reverberating in my mind and heart. God, in His awesomeness, extended grace to us though we did not and continue to not deserve it. We have freedom, joy, peace, and eternal life because of this grace. As a parent, it is my duty and my utmost desire to pass this invitation on to Nevaeh, but I am struggling. How do I find the balance of grace and discipline? I want her to be a well-behaved woman and I know discipline leads to learning but when or how does grace fit into the picture? When does punishment get withheld to show the undeserving grace?
Well, I guess for now I will just go back to what I know that God is God, God is faithful, and God is good- His Grace covers a multitude of my shortcomings, especially as a parent.
Here is a reminder of God's grace in my life
Try the towel potty training method.