Friday, July 12, 2013

Food for Thought

I had some quiet time the other day where I didn't have any pressing chores to get done, and I had the inspiration to dust off :( my current devotional (honestly, it's been awhile). It's called Praying the Names of God. I came across the name Yahweh Yireh, the Lord will provide. It comes from raah meaning "to see". The more I read the more my heart was humbled. We serve a God so great he can see what is behind and what is to come and can, therefore, adequately provide for all of our needs.  It's first used in Gen 22 when God tests Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Just as Abraham raises the knife to kill, an angel stops him. Abraham turns and sees a ram caught in the bushes, and he is overjoyed because the Lord provided a sacrifice instead of his beloved boy. He called the place "The Lord will provide".

It seems like lately there are so many things going on in life. My prayer list and my want list appear to be getting longer every day. Sometimes, it is all so overwhelming that I don't think that any of it will get done, or the sacrifices I may have to make will be too much for me to bear. As I was sitting here contemplating things, I had a small feeling of peace pervade my spirit. I realized I could trust in God. I can call out to Yahweh Yireh ,and trust that He already knows and is on top of it. I can cling to the fact that even though things may not go the way I think they should, I know He has still COMPLETELY provided all that I need.

So, today I come vulnerable, I release my fears, and I pray that Yahweh Yireh will hear the cry of my heart for the right people to come into my life. I also pray that whoever reads this post will find peace in Yahweh Yireh.

1 comment:

  1. Very well spoken, Lindsay. Thank you for your insight. I find comforting, "God will provide," and "This too will pass." Love reading your writings and what you are thinking. Thank you for sharing with me.
