Oprah Winfrey once said "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." Yes let's cheers. Cheers to today. Cheers to the fact that I have reached 7 years post diagnosis. Cheers to finally being able to forget some of the intensity of the horror that once was. Cheers to being able to see the beauty from ashes that God continues to bring about.
This past year has had more valleys than peaks, more sadness than joy. I didn't know that I could reach such a hellacious low that would almost rival cancer, but I did. So I did what I could do and pulled a Jacob. I wrestled with God over the whys, what ifs, and how comes. I wrestled with the injustice of suffering because of other's choices. I wrestled mostly with feeling like Job and wondering why me Lord. I finally turned a corner and went back to my mantra that "God is good, faithful, and still God". If I believe that God is faithful, then I have to trust that He is faithful in ALL things. He knows the desires of my heart, and He is able to do imaginably more than I could ever hope for. I have to trust that His plans for me are perfect. So, He has called me to have faith like Abraham, waiting and patiently trusting. He has also reminded me that He is the God of Redemption, Haggo'el, that no problem is outside of His realm of help and complete healing. So here I am, one hot mess with so many more scars and several unknowns in front of me, toasting to another new "year" start. Cheers to another year of being cancer free. Cheers to another 7 years of living this crazy, wonderful life. Cheers to another chance to celebrate my miracle, spitfire of a daughter. Cheers to living this year wrapped in hope. Cheers to learning and then replicating a life of loving others well. Finally, Cheers to the people, my tribe, who make this life worthwhile.
Happy 7th day of Rememberance for me!!!
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