Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Bump in my Boring

Yes, I am writing ANOTHER health update for those amazing prayer warriors I still have out there. I had blood work, an ultrasound , and saw my oncologist this week. Big praise that the ultrasound came back normal, meaning my lymph nodes are not growing. My sed rate continues to be an enigma, but is not causing any worry at this time. The slight hitch in my health comes from my thyroid. The levels are still normal, but are on the very high side of normal. The plan for now is to watch the levels and then in 3 months see where they are and go see an endocrinologist to see if I have to be put on meds. It is more than likely that having the radiation plus all of the chemo just caused my thyroid to slow down.

Let's be honest, I am frustrated. I am wanting to move on from being a patient. I am tired of having things, even little things, be wrong with me. I know that adding one more med to my daily regime is minimal in the light of still being alive, but I am still human with human emotions. Prayers right now would be most appreciated that my levels regulate themselves. Still no matter what happens, I am repeating my own mantra back to myself. I KNOW that God is good, God is faithful and God is still God.

Cancer really does epitomize all that is evil....Just sayin


  1. I pray for you all the time, Linds! Love you girl and more importantly.... Our Father LOVES you!

  2. I'm sorry, Lindsay, for all that you are going through and have gone through. Much love comes your way!

  3. HI Lindsay. Prayers are with you. May God wrap his loving arms around you, comfort you, and give you peace. May God grant you good health and ease of worrying. In Jesus Name Amen.

  4. شركة تنظيف فلل بالإحساء
    يعتبر أمر تنظيف الفلل أو القصور أمراً مستحيلاً لدى البعض نظراً لأن مساحتها كبيرة جداً وتنقسم إلى جزء داخلي وجزء خارجي لذلك الحل الأمثل في هذه الحالة أن يتم الاعتماد على شركات تنظيف الفلل وتعتبر شركة تنظيف فلل بالإحساء من أكثر الشركات شعبية في هذا المجال لأن الشركة تمتلك أفضل عمالة وتهتم بكل أجزاء الفيلا وقادرين على تنظيف الأماكن الغير مرئية، كما أن الشركة تهتم أيضاً بجودة المساحيق والمنظفات التي تستخدمها وتوفر ماكينات خاصة لتنظيف أرضيات السيراميك والرخام، كما أن الشركة توفر خدمة تنظيف المسابح التي توجد داخل الفلل وتعقيمها بأفضل المواد لذلك إن كنت من ملاك الفلل بادر الآن للاتصال بنا.
