Thursday, April 25, 2013

Countdown to 3 Part 2

Nevaeh is so full of life, it just overflows into every aspect of her life and mine. She makes me cry and laugh all in the same breath. What I love about her today is her effervescence of life revealed in her song and dance. All things that are long and cylindrical become microphones to sing with at the top of her lungs. My favorite performance of hers is when she sings"Jesus Loves Me". Its one of the few songs that she knows all the words too. What a precious moment to witness her own version of worship whether she realizes it or not.
Then dancing usually follows the singing. We all watch Dancing with the Stars together at our house. Nevaeh knows by name all the dancers and at least one move of each dance. Throughout the day, she will just come up to whoever is closest to her and ask them to dance. So we take her hands and twirl her around like the princess she is. Then she will call out which dance she wants to do, the cha cha, the samba, or the waltz. I can't stop smiling as I watch her perform each step. For the cha cha, she moves her feet to the front and then the back swinging her arms. Her waltz consists of her holding her arms like she has an imaginary partner and steps side to side.It is so amazing that she finds so much joy in entertaining all of us.
Watching her smile, reminds me to forget the stresses of being a parent for the moment. It reminds me to always, each and every day, take time to dance in our socks on the wood floor.



1 comment:

  1. I luv this dress up. That is a little girl for you. Thanks for sharing.
