Monday, May 6, 2013

Countdown to 3 Part 13

This afternoon, I was humbled yet again to be Nevaeh's momma. Tithing is extremely important in our family's values and practice of worship. As with a lot of people these days in this rough economic time, it is sometimes terribly hard to write that first check to go to God's work. We push through those fears, however, because we know that it really isn't our money anyway, God calls us to be "cheerful givers", and because God has proven over and over what amazing blessings come with being faithful. Therefore, tithing was one thing we really wanted Nevaeh to grasp and make it part of her own routine. Now, I have to say that if you really know my daughter you know how much she LOVES money. A few coins in her hand make her day, and she will shout to the world that she got some money and would probably ask for more. Money was the one trick that helped with her potty training as well. Anyway, everytime she would receive money, the first words out of our mouths was "Let's give some to Jesus" and "We give Him 10%".We would show her that for every dollar she got, a dime would go in a special bank for Jesus. At first, she wasn't the biggest fan of losing some of her coins, but after a very short while, it became part of the routine of getting money. Now what is humbling about my beloved daughter is that when she does anything she goes for it 110%. The same goes for tithing. Even this afternoon, the grandparents gave her some coins while I was making dinner. All of a sudden my daughter is calling me to come upstairs to give some money to Jesus. I go upstairs and help her get a dime out of her bank, and she told me "No mommy I need to give another dime and some pennies to Jesus too". I was floored. Here I sit sometimes begrudging God His 10% and my daughter who only has a few coins to her name graciously gives above and beyond. I couldn't be more proud of her and her gracious spirit. What a lesson to be learned to have faith like a child and be a cheerful giver.

1 comment:

  1. You are teaching your baby girl well, Lindsay. Keep up God's good works.
