Friday, May 17, 2013

Countdown to 3 Part 24

As with any typical child, the same movies get watched over and over, the same song gets played repeatedly, and the same books get read again and again. I will be honest, I sometimes get so stinkin tired of the same book that I will refuse to read any more unless a new book is brought to the rotation. However, because of all of that redundancy and her incredible memory, she thinks that she can read the story all by herself. I love sneaking up on her when she has one of her favorite books in hand, and she is reading out loud to herself. She tends to get most of the story right on the correct page, but it is also crazy how she intereweaves different stories and details and makes it all her own. It makes her so happy to be such a big girl doing big girl things. What I wouldn't give to get a glimpse inside that little brain of hers. I pray that she will continue to develop this amazing balance of creativity and intelligence.



  1. She is SO darling! I love her spunky personality. :) -Darcy

  2. Lindsay, I remember when my Jason was your baby girl's age. He had an Oscar the Grouch book that was about saying good night to all your fears. He wanted that read every night. Every night he giggled as if he had never heard the story before. He had movies too that he watched over and over. It's a phase. It will pass :)
    I know how you must feel and worry. Sounds like your baby girl is doing well under your leadership. Keep up the good work.
